"What! You two are getting married ?!!
Really, How come ? I mean ..well...but.. You Two!! "
This pretty much sums up the various responses we both received when our marriage was announced 12 years back.
Those people who knew both of us from our childhood through our adulthood did not even consider the distant possibility or probability of we ending up together .
Nobody even cared to gossip about us during the time we were together on so many occasions, oh..well..it was not their mistake, how could they possibly imagine this considering how different we both were (or so they thought) , until one fine day , when somebody pulled the strings and set the events in motion(The ownership of the same is still in dispute between the two of us).
From the near and dear surprised reactions, congratulations ,delight and enthusiasm followed because it was a wedding were the bride's side and groom's side were one and the same except for few. Some even teased me that I gifted myself a good Mother In Law by agreeing to marry him ;-) Yes, I got lucky in the whole 'In-Laws' package here..
On looking back , I can only say that we were destined to be together.
Yes, we were very different in lot of things, still are in many things, however it is the differences that kept our balance and we have crossed 12 Years of togetherness.
We learned our differences first. We loved ,we fought ,we cried , we laughed. But through all these we understood each other a little more than the previous day.
He never tried to change me from the person I am and that is one thing I value in our relationship and is one of the reason I respect him even more. He let me be 'Me' and supported me in my decisions whether it is personnel front or career front. He gives me time and space I deserves. He may not say he loves me in so many sugar coated words. But I know he loves me when he get angry at the things that makes me sad and get happy when I feel happy.
One of the most important thing in life is able to look back at your life and feel happy about what you see. And in those happiest scenes I could see the magic of fate that has brought us together , gifted us with our most precious daughters and the wonderful moments we lived and celebrated in our own small ways and called our family..
And for that reason , Today, I love you more than Yesterday. Happy Anniversary..
Really, How come ? I mean ..well...but.. You Two!! "
This pretty much sums up the various responses we both received when our marriage was announced 12 years back.
Those people who knew both of us from our childhood through our adulthood did not even consider the distant possibility or probability of we ending up together .
Nobody even cared to gossip about us during the time we were together on so many occasions, oh..well..it was not their mistake, how could they possibly imagine this considering how different we both were (or so they thought) , until one fine day , when somebody pulled the strings and set the events in motion(The ownership of the same is still in dispute between the two of us).
From the near and dear surprised reactions, congratulations ,delight and enthusiasm followed because it was a wedding were the bride's side and groom's side were one and the same except for few. Some even teased me that I gifted myself a good Mother In Law by agreeing to marry him ;-) Yes, I got lucky in the whole 'In-Laws' package here..
On looking back , I can only say that we were destined to be together.
Yes, we were very different in lot of things, still are in many things, however it is the differences that kept our balance and we have crossed 12 Years of togetherness.
We learned our differences first. We loved ,we fought ,we cried , we laughed. But through all these we understood each other a little more than the previous day.
He never tried to change me from the person I am and that is one thing I value in our relationship and is one of the reason I respect him even more. He let me be 'Me' and supported me in my decisions whether it is personnel front or career front. He gives me time and space I deserves. He may not say he loves me in so many sugar coated words. But I know he loves me when he get angry at the things that makes me sad and get happy when I feel happy.
One of the most important thing in life is able to look back at your life and feel happy about what you see. And in those happiest scenes I could see the magic of fate that has brought us together , gifted us with our most precious daughters and the wonderful moments we lived and celebrated in our own small ways and called our family..
And for that reason , Today, I love you more than Yesterday. Happy Anniversary..